It’s not, dude. Again. That scene in AoU was just what Tony feared. Not something that will actually happen. Marvel avengers endgame pitbullvengers pitbull shirt The point of that scene has already come into fruition aka the creation of Ultron.
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that’s why on titan, Thanos told tony he already knew of him, because he already fought tony before, in an alternate timeline. the stones gave Thanos divine knowledge each time he acquired one, so between the space reality and time stones, he can observe what happens in alternate realities and timelines. that’s one of the ways he was able to kill the avengers in the comics and tv series, which both take place in this same throne room. he kills everyone Marvel avengers endgame pitbullvengers pitbull shirt and then gets bored so he revives them, although it’s prob gonna happen differently here If it’s xandar, that would mean they just arrived shortly after he acquired the power stone, before he goes and finds the tesseract. Otherwise I can’t see a reason why he would leave his farming paradise to visit a dead planet he had already destroyed with nothing on it worth going there for
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Just watched it again and it might be xandar but it also showed them heading towards his ship. they most likely fight on both. the only problem is, no one is wearing a quantum realm suit which means they didn’t use time travel just yet, indicating it must be near the beginning of the movie. If he doesn’t have the space stone yet or if it’s after the gauntlet was destroyed, it doesn’t explain how he’s using the bifrost to get there if I’m not mistaken, that was planet Titan, who have been destroy, what We see at the end, Thanos saw illusion of Titan that He created from Reality Stone. So I told everyone, They are going to meet Thanos at Titan, NO time travel, NO Quantum Realms. The gauntlet was destroyed. the only thing I can think of is that he went back to nidevellir and killed etrie after he made him make a bifrost wielding weapon, like storm breaker
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