Infinity war part 2 nxtyear pls and guardians of the galaxy part 3 with adam warlock pls and captain marvel pls and xmen with Avenger with dark phoenix pls, doctor strange part 2, Marvel avengers endgame flying heroes logo graphic shirt And the guy eating planet in comics, This episodes maybe last in 10years ahead.
Marvel avengers endgame flying heroes logo graphic shirt
i just wanna say, the movie is hands down, #great! it’s the best of all the MCU movies so far, for me. from start to finish, it was engaging. it has all the ingredients. you laugh, you cry, you get shocked and then you get excited for the next avengers film because of the end credits scene. if you’re a Marvel fan and even casual moviegoer, this is a must. the replay value of this movie is very high as well. i’m excited to watch it again Marvel avengers endgame flying heroes logo graphic shirt but i have to restrain myself because i’ll be waiting for the blu-ray version. few or more of them died including ironman,captAm, and buck but doc strange uses his gem to turn back the time and make them live. sad to say doc strange might die in this movie because of saving them and saving the universe Goodbye Thor, Iron Man, Captain America, and Vision. Those aren’t predictions I know for a fact they will die. Vision is obvious unless they find some magical way to keep him alive. As for the other 3 their contracts expire and ready to give their roles up
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See what happens when you make Thanos into a meme, people? He kills our beloved heroes…well, except Vision for some and wipes out half of the universe on this planet. You all deserve this, hail Thanos! Marvel hasn’t let me down yet again! The trailers gave me goosebumps and having this build up for 10 years is fantastic. I already bought the tickets as my birthday present cause it’s the 27th. But in all honesty Thanos is one of my favorite Marvel villains and to see him finally make his grand entrance is exciting! Because Thanos doesnt have the full control or power of the gauntlet since it requires all 6 infinity stones to use or wield it. Also, maybe it is a way of Thanos testing Cap’s bravery. Also, it might also serve as a replacement to the iconic scene in the comics where Cap fought Thanos alone. Thanos doesn’t even look like he’s exerting any effort while Cap is screaming like a mad man using all strength he has. Yup. White privilege indeed. *sarcasm*

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