It was, and still is, about brave men and women fighting for what’s right, Martin luther king a king doesn’t need a weapon he is one shirt and willing to die for it. Martin Luther King did just that. His dreams of equality for all people is yet to be seen. How sad that we, as a country, have not fulfilled his dream.
Martin luther king a king doesn’t need a weapon he is one shirt
No it doesn’t. Lets not forget he’s also half white. People like to forget that quite often. But 1 action doesn’t prove that racism doesn’t exist today. Yes we are closer but African Americans are still being treated unfairly. Called out of their names and making less than their white collegues. White supremacist still vowing to enslave us and KKK members are still burning crosses. We have not made it to the promised land. not really. Martin luther king a king doesn’t need a weapon he is one shirt Why unarmed black kids are getting shot. Why black people get pull over simply the color of their skin. Why isn’t any equality including education, housing and health. Do you think systematic racism is gone. Why wealth gap is so high. Systematic racism is killing black folks and other minority’s. Folks like you think everything is perfect because it’s perfect in your world
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It’s not us as black people suppressing whites, the justice system targeting whites, denied rights to own a home anywhere, removed from your homes, denied employment, etc. Ms you have to speak directly to the problem your people. My people was just given the rights to wrote 60 years ago. America owe the black man a big apology. We can’t let people like 45 take away all the good this wonderful man did. We have got to be kinder & gentler to each other. Show more respect for each other & for ourselves. Don’t let his life & more important his death be in vein. I just don’t understand how people can actually believe that Trump is doing anything other than for Trump. The man never gave a damn about this country and us only selling you snake oil. Obama tried to destroy America funding the enemy trying to turn our land to a Muslim country took god out Trump don’t lay down for Muslims he puts Americans first where Odummer hated Americans black white it didn’t matter to him I know you will disagree with this comment so I’m done with this post I’m old enough to remember when Dr. King was marching.
As I read some of these racially offensive comments from those who try to speak on our behalf as if we are all to busy chasing a free buck to understand that not damn thing has changed. Dr. King fought for jobs, equality, and against the wholesale and unjust murder of Black people. We are still fighting for the same ole shit. In one of Dr. Kings last speeches he said and I quote ” I am afraid that I have lead my people into a burning building”. He knew nothing would change and that we were being set up for the ultimate fall by this government. It started with Nixon’s “War on Drugs (Black people)”. Black people in this country live everyday with their terrosist, and after 400 years our terrorist have the audacity to say to us “then why don’t you go back to Africa?” My answer is, we built this country with our blood, but I will be happy to leave Amerikkka as soon as you leave Africa.

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