They are 5 persons x1 each. You should consider whether you’re using your time effectively, or whether you’re using your time lovingly towards your kids and your household. Mark sheppard have you ever kippled shirt Oh yes, and what about time for yourself? Do you take at least an hour for yourself a day?
Mark sheppard have you ever kippled shirt
I’m a stay at home mom too. I have twin boys and one (as far as we know LOL)on the way. I still keep the house clean and take care of my kids. I am really lucky tho, my boys are just really easy to take care of. I guess for now LOL they’re only 14 months old. I still get bored sometimes. So I keep moving furnitures and my husband gets mad for moving them he asked me how can be bored? You have a house to clean and kids to take care of. And there’s a meal waiting for me when I get home for lunch and and nice dinner. I’m like, I don’t know. Mark sheppard have you ever kippled shirt I just do LOL also I’m a little OCD so that’s why I can’t just stay still. How often do you play with your kids individually, or are you one of those moms who puts them in front of the TV or tablet so you can get your work done and they can stay silent and happy?
I’m not judging, but if you think raising 5+ kids and cleaning your home is easy, then you’re probably doing it wrong. When you have kids, being a responsible parent involves being an active parent to each of them, individually, not just as a group. Do you sit and play with them whether outside or inside? Do you run around the house with them, or teach them chores through play? Are you teaching them how to do their homework or learn their ABCs and maths or numbers, etc? Are you spending at least 30 minutes alone with each one of them per day to make sure they get the right amount of affection from just you? No? Well then, you’re doing it wrong. My point is, there is no perfect way to parent, we all do the best we can, but your kids are not 1 person x 5.
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