First he is ass for not in the first places now that something wrong he comes um u need to grow up think about all she did for u if she was a great Mom Lucki ‘freewave 3’ lucki free wave 3 shirt why are acting like a shit It comes to US all the kids don’t care selfish is that why or spoilt think when we were kids we love d our parents because they were you all there Love went on us so you see love is from the heart do they care? Guess not shame that
Lucki ‘freewave 3’ lucki free wave 3 shirt
Wish some of my kids felt like the daughter did. You raise them and then you even help them when they have kids. Which i never minded doing. All i would like now is to have my kids love me and be there for me! Love you to the Moon and Back! I understand what you’re saying Cynthia. I’m estramged from my son because of drugs and alcohol; He rewrote his own history in his mind so he could blame ME for his choices, which included walking out on his children. Lucki ‘freewave 3’ lucki free wave 3 shirt I stepped up to help my DIL raise them as best I could while still working. I worked graveyard shift so I had to turn my sleep schedule around to see them on the weekends and give my DIL a break. I did that for 13 years. Now that they are grown and I am retired….crickets.I did the best I could to raise my son as a single mom and I did as much as I could with my grandkids. They say how much they love me when I see them, but love is action, not just a feeling.
Have a nice time and go shopping

I wish younger people would realize and appreciate the good that their parents did for them. They are so busy trying to impress their friends that they shove their parents away. Just remember their parents will not be there forever. Make time to be with them while they can. My mom is in her 90’s and her face lights up when her children come to be with her. When I was growing up my parents always put their children first. I will never forget how unselfish they are. I don’t look at this video as shaming or blaming . I see it as reality . Sometime’s We don’t take the time for our loved one’s . My Brother write a song about our Mom when she crossed over. One of the lines in that song goes like this. She’d gladly give up her dream’s , To make all of mine come true

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