We all grieve differently, different lengths of time. Best let your doctor help determine if you are grieving or depressed. Depression tends to interfere with everyday life. Looking to suck my first cock shirt You deal with suicidal thoughts, no energy, fogginess, feeling like you’re in slow motion. It varies a bit from person to person.
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I also lost my mother, I was 23 and now I’m 44. I can tell you that it is very hard at first, I cried just about every night for a while and felt that I needed to see her walk through the door. She died of cancer so it was very hard. I will say for a while you will hurt really bad and then little by little it starts getting better. However, the pain doesn’t go away 100%. You will always have a little empty space in your heart but it does get better. Looking to suck my first cock shirt If after a while if you still feel very sad and can’t eat or don’t want to get out of bed, then I will say go see a doctor. I never had that so I know that I wasn’t depressed and I was just grieving when my mom died Good question. It is a fine line I think sometimes.
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If you sleep thru a few days here n there crying and unbathed. But if it lasts up to a week you need God, a shower to feel fresh to shake things up a bit. Make sure not to abuse any crutch like drugs or alcohol. Find a good Bible based church. Not Hindu or Catholic because they both are worshiping Idols or statues instead of God. And if you’ve read God is a jealous God then you know your not supposed to go for that he expressly told you to avoid. I did have a Hindu phase but was given advise from someone who went to Catholic church at the time. Then she had a realization herself and dropped the Catholic church herself.
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