I’m telling it like it is with facts until u walk in a pair of these shoes u have no room to speak My family were slaves too on my father’s side of the family . Llama is this jolly enough christmas shirt But that doesn’t mean go around and tell people how much you hate America stop living bitter I do agree we deserve reparations
Llama is this jolly enough christmas shirt
when this all began shit would be much different. you sound just as stupid as the rest of the so called movement we love our children unconditionally and they come into the world exactly as they are meant to. our role as parents is to love them no matter what or whom they choose to love or be. the lgbtq community needs acceptance and support and the freedom to be exactly Llama is this jolly enough christmas shirt who they are without fear of harm or bullying. as an incredibly proud mom of a gay son, i cannot imagine for even one minute not accepting him for exactly who he is without any conditions. i’m a fiercely protective supporter of the lgbtq community and always will be. the world needs more love and less hate.
i know people have struggles and feel for them, lord we all do. but how about the feelings of our loved ones? it seems its supposed to be only one way. time, patience and love. lord this man was in shock. love will win, just give it time. i have 2 sons and i would love them no matter what. just share with me my forefathers were in slavery here thats why I’m here dude u have no idea what my people go threw in this country and u wouldn’t understand complaining
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