There was absolutely no need for that comment. Legends never die marvin gaye 1939-1984 signature shirt I’m getting so tired of hearing oh its If she had done what any weak person would do caught up in their feelings, she wouldn’t honor her child soul by ruining another’s
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and more important, a friend of mine is thinking of suicidal. he’s lost and unhappy. he’s working with his therapist. and i’m worried about him. the video made me think of himThat’s what broke my heart, realizing there is probably hundreds of thousands if not millions of people, like this young man who have no one to call family Legends never die marvin gaye 1939-1984 signature shirt or can depend on for help or understanding. It can be a very hard thing too do for some people. Others of us do the opposite
because alot of us were brought up too give too those person too ask the court’s to give this young man a chance at growing up too become a man such as YOU. well, since you were there and rejoice in gratitude so we may act as this wonderful mother has! Forgiveness frees us, and we grow My son was murdered almost 11 years ago and I just everyday. Yes, I am a Christian, I loved God with all my heart. When he w murdered on a Wednesday, I could only call on God for peace and strength.