All these perspectives are so interesting. Thank you for sharing. I tend to feel like Christopher Green, Just another fireball drinker with a camping problem shirt wishing kids wouldn’t bury themselves in phones and devices all the time. But your points are all valid. Very interesting.
Just another fireball drinker with a camping problem shirt
I am agree with Heidi above, but in your last post, you say college student have had more practice. Where did they get their practice? Even speaking to creeps is learning to deal with all of society, instead of just being scared and hiding all the time. I reiterate, these are valid points everyone is making. Just another fireball drinker with a camping problem shirt I don’t not want to talk to creeps because I’m scared of them. I don’t want to talk to them because I don’t want to talk to them. I’m very confident in public spaces. I’ve travelled across the world on my own. Having headphones on doesn’t mean I lack confidence in public spaces.
Take your time and go shopping now

I wasn’t attacking women who use headphones as a barrier, I was attacking you. I’m saying that if you spent a little more time talking to people in the real world, you wouldn’t get on the internet and act like you’ve never spoken to a real person. Argh, now I’ve looked at your profile and I realize I’m dealing with a crazy person. Damn it internet, I thought that I was immune to getting sucked in, but you got me this time. The best relationship advice I can give is never trust anyone 100%. That way, if it falls apart it won’t hurt as bad. Also, people like to feel appreciated so never stop being attentive because that is what triggers people to seek attention elsewhere.

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