Jon never went around petting Ghost he treated him the way I think a mid-evil knight or lord would treat a dog/wolf that was used in battles. Jon snow game of thrones and avengers endgame shirt He trained him well and fed him Jon was Alfa pack animals understand that. The scene made sense Jon is setting ghost free.
Jon snow game of thrones and avengers endgame shirt
indeed he was a faithful companion for 8 years to Jon but have you forgot about the part when lady and nymeria first arrived at king’s landing and only one of them survived ? hopefully nymeria it’s safe somewhere in the woods. maybe jon didn’t want ghost to get killed too. maybe that’s why he acted kinda cold towards he’s technically son. maybe he knew that direwolfs really belongs in the North. maybe you can stop thinking that not showing affection Jon snow game of thrones and avengers endgame shirt when you desire to doesn’t mean it’s not love. the CGI budget was either going to a few pats for a Dire Wolf or Dani riding a dragon. Or making sure someone CGI’d out that Coffee Cup. They probably have someone in After Effects right now getting rid of it for the home media release.
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I don’t understand why Jon had to give Ghost away. Ghost is a direwolf and he goes wherever he damn well pleases. Except this direwolf wanted to BE where Jon is and he unceremoniously pushed him away. He fought for you, Jon. He is wounded and lost an ear for you. He guarded your body when you died. If you have to leave Ghost, leave him at Winterfell where he is with family. It’s your damned house sigil. Honestly this show has zero respect for the starks’ relationship with their wolves. Direwolves are wild and don’t need pets and hugs or whatever. People just want an acknowledgement from Jon (and the show) that Ghost was a good companion and protector, even just a ‘Goodbye, boy. Thank you.’ would’ve sufficed.
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