I am 5″ 10′ and when he would come to say hi he would put his front paws on my shoulders Jack russell terrier those we love didn’t go away they fly beside us everyday 3d hoodie and his head will hang over mine They go about 150 lbs and more. We have a Newfoundland in office right now. He is 130 lbs adorable baby.
Jack russell terrier those we love didn’t go away they fly beside us everyday 3d hoodie
yes dogs are extremely smart…we had a schnauzer that could pick out any toy by name and bring it to you. You don’t think this is not smart…sitting, dancing, and roll over on command. I guess that you probably have not had a dog before or didn’t spend the time to find out how smart they trully are. Years ago my german shepherd would do the same thing , Jack russell terrier those we love didn’t go away they fly beside us everyday 3d hoodie only i would take bone from his mouth with my mouth and he would take it back, i would only do this with him , i trusted him a lot even though he was about 140 pounds
he had to be the biggest shepherd i ever seen in me life.his pawns were bigger then my hands and his ears and head were bigger then my ears and head Mine was a German shepherd and he was 150 lbs. He got out one winter and was going through neighbors yard. Her neighbor was a cop and she went over and told him there was a bear in the neighborhood cause the paws were so big. He laughed and showed her my dog he caught him walking through the neighborhood lol. Friend of mine had a Caucasian Sheppard years ago.
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