If they’ll come in the Philippines and I got a chance to see them especially Chris Evans Iron man infinity gauntlet I am iron man shirt then I would never asked for more in my entire life. I can die after at least I died so happy to see them
Iron man infinity gauntlet I am iron man shirt
My son just loves Ironman. Makes his suit out of paper and tapes it to his body. Ever since he got his surgery and had hardware put in his legs he feels inside he’s now part of Ironman. It’s his dream to meet Robert Downey Jr. I would probably say you just made my century. I love all of them, honestly how could you not love superheroes and the ones that make them rise to be that way. I honestly can’t choose a fav I watch them all. Iron man infinity gauntlet I am iron man shirt As a total marvel and superhero fan i would just burst with pride to meet you in a very sometime hard world we always need super heros may you keep on going I can only have joy of tears watching these lucky people met their idol.. For the past 11 years my life has been so much different with Marvel’s movies specially Avengers it brings excitement and joy to my life.. Thank you!!
Love these heroes – Get these badass items

Does anyone know of there is a way to get ahold of robert downing jr.? Or his team? I know this is probably a stupid question, but i know the biggest iron man fan who is battling leukemia and if there was any way i could make a visit happen, well that would just be amazing! Definately I will freak out if I had a chance to meet The Avengers. I will ask for a group photos & the memory remain forever. They are inspiring me all the time when I feel down. Thanks Avengers. I would want them to meet my wife she has had such a tough time lately living with her illness and is in pain every day it would make her year You are an inspiration to me and many others. No one could have brought mr stark to life the way you have. You truly are a gifted individual. Hats off to you good sir. Hats off.

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