I love this, i hate the fact in the uk, its very much stiff upper lip, dont dwell on the past……hang on a minute….is this not how we live our lives; I’m disney grandma It’s like a regular grandma but with magical shirt through things we know or have learnt, our memories, experiences and mistakes ….arent these the things that make us who we are presently?
I’m disney grandma It’s like a regular grandma but with magical shirt
You do know steve job was a jerk right? Like before his fame…he was pretty much a jerk right? You do know that? Sure he changed eventually but we can’t ignore history just because it isn’t favourable. They even show that in the movie they made about him. Then onto henry ford. You do know he also came up with the 5 day work week not because he cared about the people but it meant that people had more time purchasing from him instead right? I’m disney grandma It’s like a regular grandma but with magical shirt Lastly on to the message of the video of following your dreams. Every succesful person that every followed their dreams weren’t even remotely close to being dumb.
They already had foundation and knew what they were doing…it was only matter of what tweaks to do…. That is provided your dreams are sane…if you dream to flap your arms and fly….you are gonna get yourself killed by falling off a cliff. Our past!! No we need to be at peace with the past….with whatever it may be, in order to heal and go forward….not constantly brush it under the carpet and paint on a fake smile…..pretending is not living, it is merely a mechanism to use for other peoples comfort and to keep your friends, or at least keep a social situation……seems people want to know whats wrong but only out of curiousity, they dont actually want to hear the why’s and cries….that would only bring them down and they dont want you spoiling their fun!!! So we constantly live in a world of masked
Have a nice day and enjoy these new designs

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