Most notably I identify with how readily this bites people in the ass. I identify with how men get mistreated as a result of notions like this, I’m a grillmaster if bbq were easy if would be called your mom shirt and how they end up taking the blame not only for the bad decisions of other men, but for the bad decisions of women as well.
I’m a grillmaster if bbq were easy if would be called your mom shirt
can’t even answer a simple question. So far the only privilege I’ve received is women insulting me for daring to suggest that their notions about men do not apply to men on the whole. And yet the question remains… How is being able to be blamed on behalf of all men for the men who have done wrong a privilege? you are talking about two different people. Me and emily are not the same person. I’m a grillmaster if bbq were easy if would be called your mom shirt You kinda sunk your own argument by lumping us together nobody said any of these things apply to men as a whole. You lump yourself in because you identify with the description or you wouldn’t be here. Its really that simple. Generalizations aren’t bad. Your own words. So which is it? Doesn’t feel so good when you’re being lumped alongside someone else does it?
Have a nice day and go shopping now
Here you two are feeding off each other perpetuating the same notions, then the moment someone even so much as addresses both of you you’re balking at it… and yet you continue to deny men the right to defend themselves against the notion that all men are wrong on behalf of those that are… I must atmit it’s at least entertaining. What exactly is it about “Men are pigs” that does not apply to men on the whole? As for your notions about what I identify with, you’re right on one count. I do identify with this meme.
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