Then you have the financial situation, that a lot of times the perpetrator has the finances and the children and the victim doesn’t have the finances. I eat books for breakfast book beasts 2019 shirt Kelli you have gone through a lot. I know the journey is not easy. Would you be willing to share how you found the strength to leave the situation. I feel that it would be helpful to many of the people who are reading this that would give hope
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what makes me sad , I work with families Of domestic violence. And the courts don’t seem to understand when there is proof that the parent is a perpetrator that in many cases the perpetrator gets the kids for custody for primary custody p. of domestic violence. And the courts don’t seem to understand when there is proof that the parent is a perpetrator that in many cases the perpetrator gets the kids for custody primary custody . I eat books for breakfast book beasts 2019 shirt And they don’t understand the perpetrator hasn’t changed and they are is abusive to the child or children and they just perpetuate this situation. And I also see a lot of times women and men that somebody gets mad one time reacts and then they lose their children. . The situation is so complicated. It’s so complicated because I’ve got children and people dealing with the trauma of the Domestic violence.
Get it and hang out with it
It hurts to watch this. It is true. With some guys it’s about control. That’s not love at all. No one is happy. And, it always escalates. Living on pins and needles is no way to live. It is impossible to please them and in the end you have to leave. Just don’t wait. Yes, so true. I’ve been experiencing that for 3 years and it broke me down. I’m better now but still taking meds. It will take a long time for me to recover completely, but I found a great partner that tries to understand me and supports me a lot. I know I can be difficult at times but I’m working on it. I experienced this but with my parents. I actually ended up having a mini panic attack because everything was so familiar. Left them over 2 years ago now and have never been better Yeah can you two men’s rights activists just fuck off? No one is saying women don’t do it and no one here needs you’re “not all men” shit. Make your own images, don’t run around trying to start a debate no one is arguing against. Assholes, both of you.
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