If your not 50 you won’t understand the change, for years I put men on a higher level and did everything I could for them and without any respect from them! I am a leaf on the wind shirt I work circles around my husband and all he wants is sex, I have no drive so if he wants to loose everything we worked for then so be it, he can move on, I’m over the pleasing part!!
I am a leaf on the wind shirt
Maybe I’m selfish but I wil never let anyone turn me into an anxiety ridden all about everyone else mother / wife combo . Thanks but no thanks , To me it lsounds far from worth it or rewarding in anyway This is for me because am all about my kids and yeah it’s very true am not the same women that I was , I am a mother with 4 beautiful kids and yes they take my energy am very bless amen if more ppl an im talking about men an women would step back an look at what I am a leaf on the wind shirt they have who they have an trust an believe in that person an take the time to see each other an their family an draw closer to God an each other life would be so much better an happier an there would be less divorce.
Seek God in everything u do in all ur decisions an let him help u wirh everything lay it at his feet. For we dont belong to ourselves we belong to God. An take the time to thank God for that person in ur life because he put them in ur life for a reason to be a help mate for u for u to love an cherish an to pray with an to enjoy life with. Love is the what God gives us … Lets use it. Not abuse it. For one the husband should be helping take some of the load off his wife and then maybe she’ll have the energy. Worry is something that makes people tired too and there are other things you can do besides worry like trust in God. I am married and there are times I am tired and I still give time to my husband in the bedroom. Women make that excuse and then get mad that the husband cheats and I’m not saying he is right but you can either make excuses or give him that time. I have kids and I still cook, clean, and be a wife and mother and work. We get a babysitter to have us time and go on dates.
Have a nice time and go shopping

My husband helps out around the house on the weekends and sometimes week days. He helps with both kids and yes I am the one who stays up for our new baby when he wakes up so I don’t get much sleep but no matter how tired I don’t reject my husband. Some men will still cheat but that’s not your problem if you’re doing your part that’s that man’s problem and you’re still worth more than diamonds

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