It is so true some times we don’t realize how many blessing we have. I am a disney princess unless winterfell need me shirt Our family, friends,our health, the gift of life seeing another day. That’s what I say focus on all the blessing and be thankful to God for every breath we take.
I am a disney princess unless winterfell need me shirt
Lost so many special people in my life these last couple of years, it’s difficult. Enjoy their company , love them and be nice to them. I got to enjoy my dad’s company and however difficult it is . I carry them within me. Loosing a child , parents or someone close is really heartbreaking. Make sure you have happy moments , because if you fight and they pass away , you have to carry that with you forever. beautiful and profound words! We all take things for granted. But we you need to stop and look around us and realize that we are alive! And that is a blessing! I am a disney princess unless winterfell need me shirt We need to stop and look around and question ourselves about how bad off we really have it! Do I have a roof over my head? Do I have a job? Do I have clothes on my back and clean clothes to wear everyday? Do I have food to eat even if it’s not Gourmet? Oh wait and am I not in a wheelchair?
Can I walk with my own two legs can I brush my teeth with my own hands can I wash my face when I want with my own two hands. It’s the simple things in life when you stop and you realize what you do have. That is when you stop realizing what you don’t have. And that’s a blessing if you have all these things I have just said above you are indeed a blessed human being. Because there’s so many people that don’t have that! So when you think about things you don’t have and you think that life is hard think about all the things that you do have because they are so many people out there that have nothing. Now think about that.
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