When you’re on the bottom, the only way to move is UP. Losing everything is terrible and Hippie vans car girl on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair shirt I’m so sorry this has happened to you. Just know that losing everything now means you’ll gain a whole new life.
Hippie vans car girl on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair shirt
You are not only beautiful on the outside – but even more beautiful on the inside ! I absolutely love your videos and look forward to watching them ! Thank you ! Your a very special kind soul!! Wow! This is absolutely beautiful, this story is breathtaking!! I have gained so much from this. I needed this today, so I thank you for sharing this. I love where you said to start living from the inside out. You are such an inspiration!! Thank you for sharing your wisdom. I really wish someone would talk to my kids. Becuz i don’t know how many times i can wish my past never happened. Hippie vans car girl on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair shirt Losing them took more away from me then the ppl who did this will ever know. Now they don’t want anything to do with me and i only loved them. I can’t say sorry enough all i want is THEM
I do believe meditation could solve a lot, however at almost 60 years I have tried several times to get the hang of this (meditation) apparently there are some that just don’t have that ability. Very moving. We all go through difficult times. What keeps me strong is my faith in God. The more I go through the stronger I become. Just waiting to hear if my cancer is in remission. Whatever happens God will give me strength to handle it. God Bless you for these lovely videos you are very inspiring. No truer words said.I wear the battles of ,yes (s) of CANCER everyday in the scar across my neck . my Badge of Courage. It is just one of a multitude of trials and tribulations I have faced and yes I wouldn’t have changed a thing they have ALL made me so independent so strong and so determined
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