management Paustian , Griscom , Houghton and Nassikas. Atmospheric aerosols and gases can also modify the land and ocean uptake of anthropogenic CO; some compounds enhance uptake while others reduce it ..; Ciais . While CO emissions tend to Tropical los angeles dodgers mlb all over print hawaiian shirt encourage greater uptake of carbon by the land and the ocean Ciais , CH emissions can enhance ozone pollution, depending on
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require net annual CO emissions to peak and decline to near zero or below, depending on the long-term adjustment of the carbon cycle and non-CO emissions Bowerman , Wigley. Reducing emissions to zero corresponds to stabilizing cumulative CO emissions ure . solid lines and falling concentrations of CO in the atmosphere Matthews and Caldeir Solomon , which is required to stabilize GMST if non-CO climate forcings are constant and positive. Stabilizing atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations would result in continued warming see … Any choice of reference period used to approximate ‘pre-industrial’ conditions is a compromise between data coverage and representativeness of typical pre-industrial solar and volcanic forcing conditions. This report adopts the -year reference period, inclusive, assessed as an approximation of pre-industrial levels in AR Box TS, ure of Field . The years are subject to strong but uncertain volcanic forcing, but in the HadCRUT dataset, average temperatures over , prior to the largest eruptions, Tropical los angeles dodgers mlb all over print hawaiian shirt are less than . from the average for . Temperatures rose by . . from to Hawkins , but the anthropogenic contribution to this warming is uncertain Abram , Schurer . The th century represents a relatively cool period in the context of temperatures since the , which is indicated by the pink shaded region in ure .. In principle, ‘pre-industrial levels’ could refer to any period of time before the start of the industrial revolution. But the number of direct temperature measurements decreases as we go back in time. Defining a ‘pre-industrial’ reference period is, therefore, a compromise between the reliability of the temperature information and how representative it is of truly pre-industrial conditions. Some pre-industrial periods are cooler than others for purely natural reasons. This could be because of spontaneous climate variability or the response of the climate to natural perturbations, such as volcanic eruptions and variations in the sun’s activity. This IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of . uses the reference period to represent pre-industrial conditions. This is the earliest period with near-global observations and is the reference period used as an approximation of pre-industrial temperatures in the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report. Projected changes are shown for the average temperature of the annual hottest day and the annual coldest night with . of global warming and of global warming compared to pre-industrial levels.
The dynamics between climate change, freshwater resources and socio-economic impacts for lower levels of warming. More complex and integrated socio-ecological models for predicting the response of terrestrial as well as coastal and oceanic ecosystems to climate and models which are more capable of separating climate effects from those associated with human activities. For Greenland, where melting from the ice sheet’s surface is important, a well-documented instability exists where the surface of a thinning ice sheet encounters progressively warmer air temperatures that further promote melting and thinning. A useful indicator associated with this instability is the threshold at which annual mass loss from the ice sheet by surface melt exceeds mass gain by snowfall. Previous estimates put this threshold at about . to . above pre-industrial temperatures . More recent analyses, however, suggest that this threshold sits between . and ., with a best estimate at . Robinson . The continued decline of the ice sheet after this threshold has been passed is highly dependent on the future climate and varies between about loss after , years to complete loss after as little as years . Church were unable to quantify a likely range for this threshold. They assigned medium confidence to a range greater than but less than , and had low confidence in a threshold of about . There is insufficient new literature to change this assessment. Greenhouse gas fluxes related to land use are reported in the ‘agriculture, forestry and other land use’ sector and comprise about about GtCOeq yr of anthropogenic GHG emissions P. Smith . Reducing emissions from land use, as well as land-use change, are thus an important component of low-emissions mitigation pathways Clarke , particularly as land-use emissions can be influenced by human actions such as deforestation, afforestation, fertilization, irrigation, harvesting, and other aspects of cropland, grazing land and livestock
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