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communities could include psychological stress among environmental refugees. Degradation of water quality or sanitation facilities could put more pressure on public health facilities. These and other health effects are discussed in more detail in s .. and . Global warming may be expected in some regions to lower the groundwater level, decrease the surface of many lakes or inland waterways, and drop the water level of such bodies. Major disruptions such as those experienced in the Lake Chad region of Africa could become a greater problem. Some other regions might benefit from more abundant water, but accurate prediction of such regional impacts is difficult at this point. Another of Working Group II is developing detailed projections of likely availability of water resources in a warmer world. The present literature suggests that drought may become a much greater problem. Hansen foresee drought The guns n’ roses band all over print hawaiian shirt conditions occurring of the time in the control run , rising to in the s, about in the s and about in . An Indonesian government study of CO doubling and its effect on three river basins, the Citarum River Basin in West Jav the Brantas River Basin in East Java and the Saddang River Basin in South Sulawesi, projected much faster runoff, wide-scale soil erosion and much lower water production. Sugandhy. Such a loss of water resources could be expected to have considerable impact in Indonesi population of which is increasing rapidly. Removal of vegetation, construction of buildings, roads, pavement and other human transformations of the natural environment, together with direct heat generation from human activity, are known to cause the temperatures of urban areas to rise above those of surrounding rural areas. In the US this urban heat-island effect was estimated at an average of just over .deg. C for a sample of US cities and about .deg.C for New York City . In Moscow, USSR, the heat-island effect is projected to add about deg.-.deg. C to average annual temperatures . Model simulation and palaeoclimatic evidence suggest that when climate warms, it warms more in higher latitudes than in lower latitudes and more in winter than in summer Golitsvn, Schneider. A warmer atmosphere contains more water vapour and increases the intensity of the whole hydrological cycle, but precipitation patterns are likely to change homogeneously in time and space .
Some scientists believe that in a warmer climate the earth can be expected to experience more variable weather than now, with a likelihood of more floods and drought, more intense hurricanes or typhoons, and more heatwaves Golitsyn, Hansen . . shows modelled wheat yield changes for the GCM doubled CO climate change scenarios . Climate changes without the direct physiological effects of CO cause decreases in simulated wheat yields in all cases, while the direct effects of CO mitigate the negative effects primarily in mid and high latitudes. Dynamic simulation of climate change yield impacts on the world food system. Increasing the use of sustainably sourced bioenergy for instance, biokerosene, biogas, and biodiesel would also be required in any .-degree-pathway scenario. Our scenarios approached bioenergy conservatively abating about percent of the CO needed by to reach a .-degree pathway. Its most pressing mandate over that time frame would be substituting for oil-based fuels in aviation and marine transport, until which time sustainably sourced synthetic fuels would account for a larger share. Nonetheless, any scale-up of bioenergy would need to acknowledge the realities of land use, and it would also need to strike a balance between the desire for sustainable energy, on the one hand, and the basic human need to feed a growing world population, on the other. Although the start of human-made climate change is commonly dated to the Industrial Revolution, confronting it successfully would require taking a hard look at everything, including fundamentals such as the trees that cover the earth, as well as the food we eat and the systems that grow and supply it. droughts. Expanding opportunities for mobility can reduce vulnerability for such populations. Changes in migration patterns can be responses to both extreme weather events and longer
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