Well, it’s about same sex marriage which I support. But we have equality. I’m a straight man and I can’t marry another man either. that’s a false equivalence: Here’s to the girls who plan their social life around feeding time farmer shirt as a straight person you have the right to marry the person you love; lgbti folks don’t. So no we don’t have equality; and yes, this is about equality.
Here’s to the girls who plan their social life around feeding time farmer shirt
but also not. It’s a crock of shit. Affects me not one iota either way but it boils my blood to see people being treated second class about anything other than actions of their own undertaking (eg murderers being locked up). As a straight, unlikely-now-to-marry Brit, who doesn’t live in Australia, this really has nothing to do with me. Here’s to the girls who plan their social life around feeding time farmer shirt But we’ve had marriage equality for several years now, and nothing terrible has happened! You might find that you have to go to more weddings; ooh yay, look at this couple declaring their love whilst I’m perpetually single. But, on the bright side, there’ll be cake.
Robert you do have the extra right to marry the person you love and are attracted to. Which we do not have the right to. You are using a shitty way to say it is equal when in reality it is not. Thats like saying you have the money to buy a house but dont want to, and a poor person doesnt have the money to buy a house so cannot and that is equal. I totally agree with you mate. Its interesting that no one else understands what the word equality means. and they are telling you to go back to school. Interestingly if you say something wrong enough times then people start believing it. They actually did research on it and its true, if you tell someone a lie enough times that will believe it.
Take it and hope you enjoy it

Personally, I think same sex marriage should be legal. I don’t know why you’d want to be recognised by a group that thinks you should spend eternity in hell for the way you live your life but whatever. But call it what it is. The term Marriage Equality is guilt based. where two rights conflict then they need to be weighed against each other. Where freedom of religion inflicts negatively upon another person’s right to marry then it should be tempered in order to accomodate for the duality. If it makes you feel better, I really doubt that any LGBTQI person wants to get married in a church anyway, considering the bullshit they cop from you all for being proud to be born the way they are.

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