Baby you light up the met like nobody else the way that you flip your outfit makes the world of fashion overwhelmed but Harry styles is camp audiences are literally dead shirt when you smile at the crowd ain’t hard to tell you don’t know oh oh. You don’t know you’re beautiful. Thats what makes you beautiful
Harry styles is camp audiences are literally dead shirt
The same people leaving negative comments about this are the same ones who usually say they want Harry to just be happy and feel free to be himself. He owes you nothing and his family loves him for who he is. Hello Harry Styles. I’m not sure but I have requested you earlier to help me make my mom give me all of the SSI money this month a couple of days ago, but I may have deleted it. A couple of days later it seems as if my mom is willing to give me the money. Harry styles is camp audiences are literally dead shirt I know it’s through your help and thankyou so much for helping me out!! exactly! BUT to push ANYTHING else you get bleeding heart comments like that one above. That is not a truth for MEN. That is assimilating of men into this feminine bullshitting. It’s slick castration. When you tell men to be MEN there’s a problem. When they wear dresses and etc. It’s LIVING a truth? Wow
yall get bashed cuz y’all don’t mind your business and be respectful. I’m a non religious person and disagree but I see other ppl pray kneel celebrate stuff do magic etc and is always respectful. Their right and freedom. This man is obviously dressing in a feminine way to create a reaction. He’s wearing a top that is essentially designed to support “female breasts”. Say what you like, but it’s an attention grab for a twit with an inflated ego. Nothing more, nothing less not everybody has to, but publicly shaming a man because he dresses not manly enough for our society, just because they don’t know shit about history or sozialisational structures is nothing I’m going to ignore. You’re welcome to continue to do so, can’t respect that and it makes you as ignorant as those people, plus shows how weak you are, but please. Continue.
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