those same people are hypocrites bigtime! Harry style golden watermelon sugar adore you lights up shirt i don’t know one person that follows their own preaching to the t. especially when it’s from a king james bible considering that man took it upon himself to take out
Harry style golden watermelon sugar adore you lights up shirt
your pain won’t bring your loss back, neither will the hate you harbour… rather it’ll eat away your peace and joy till you become a loss to yourself… please forgive it’s a power worth possessing i understand why shes doing that. i give her props for that. takes a lot of soul searching to do that. she lost her son. Harry style golden watermelon sugar adore you lights up shirt she did a very kind thing. i am saying that personally…i couldnt do it. im not that mature. honestly. i would forever carry hate in my heart for that person.
i wont lie. so for her to do what she did is remarkable. no disrespect to her. i was basically saying shes a better person than me, thats for sure of people with faith of god. and i can tell you…online and offline those same people love to preach quotes from bible, they love to tell you what god wants and what we all should do and how to behave how to think or well, we get punished from god. although i believe in a higher power, i don’t believe the same system as a lot of people.