You also have to realize that by having a problem Good taste in dogs bad taste in men shirt with the job market being representative of society (race/gender) you are saying that you can’t possibly have an equally qualified POC for every job.
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We can’t be. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one’s own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others. Good taste in dogs bad taste in men shirt Black people have never believed that we are superior to anyone else we just want other races to stop believing they are superior to us and we have never believed that we had the right to dominate anyone and considered them inferior.
Black people can be racist. Asian people can be racist. First Nations, Middle Eastern, Hispanic, Latinx, and any other racial classifier can be racist. Racism is not merely a matter of systemic oppression, per common definition. It’s a belief in racial superiority. Sociology textbooks will tell you otherwise, but a scientific dictionary will define “law” and “theory” differently than a common use dictionary as well. Agreed, & those perameters you’ve mentioned, are exactly the ones I utilized, to determine if Trump is a white priveledged racist.. & I determined he did not meet that racist criteria.. he’s priveledged alright, but he’s not a racist.
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