I feel like I’m literally falling apart bc things are so hard physically, emotionally & psychologically Godzilla just destroy it nike shirt and I know that I don’t take care of myself or love myself like I should or like I used to. I always felt like such a strong woman & part of me knows
Godzilla just destroy it nike shirt
Power of spoken word Lord may the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight line my thoughts and spoken words up with the book you wrote about me before I was webbed in my mother’s womb so I live out the great plans you have for me , the purpose and destiny you have in my book!!! Congratulation for moving on and loving you, this is a new chapter in your lives. The message you are giving your daughter is … Godzilla just destroy it nike shirt you are strong and amazing and you do not need to stay within a relationship that is bad violent and abusive. You deserve happiness I needed it more than words could ever express! I have 4 adult children
Have a nice day and take your tee

one of which is my eldest son whom I lost to Cancer in 2016 when he was 26yrs old. I raised my children as a single mother and have struggled financially all of my life & continue to do so. I cared for a family friend who was a double stroke patient who was also bed bound & I cared for her for free until she passed away bc she had no one else and bc my heart & God lead me to do so. Needless to say, I cared for my son & held him until his last breath! I’m currently caring for my elderly Mother, who has Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s amongst many other medical problems & sometimes

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