We are a republic, not a democracy. 2nd. Barack asked his generals if they would fire upon American citizens. 3rd, Obama pulled so much crap behind our backs and German shepherd american flag 4th of july shirt gave money to fund terrorism. Last but not least, you need to educate yourself because your statement makes you look really dumb and uninformed
German shepherd american flag 4th of july shirt
Because my nephew and thousands of patriots died for this country’s belief that we must defend our independence & freedoms. Many more are injured & scared for the rest of their lives. Why do you have to let your hate for the current president taint this sacred day? I didn’t care for Bush or Obama but I never posted such vile hate for them. People like this woman & you turn my stomach. Hate speech is not free speech so don’t give me that line of B.S. either. keep the hate going, German shepherd american flag 4th of july shirt you can’t impeach a president just because you don’t like him, or Obama would have been gone, oh wait, we don’t spread hate, We wish for the President to succeed, since if he fails, so do WE !! and we live in a Republic as well as a Democracy! I feel sorry for you leftists that can’t get over the fact that you lost an election.
Have a nice day and go shopping now
Lost woman, ask God to place some brains in your skull in order to be able to think correctly and give you wisdom from his wisdom in order to discern between real and fiction, good and evil. Be true to yourself. You have no idea what you are talking about. Give public examples of the current president’s tyranny? we already resisted, and you lost. Thats the problem with people like you, a day late and a dollar short. Maybe call the University of Phoenix tomorrow and ask for your money back ? Maybe they will even let you keep the little plastic toy that came with your diploma Slow down on the Hate !! For once in your miserable life try to say something constructive !! Any Idiot can spout off hate !! If any of you Liberals had a Love for this Country, you would try to make some positive statement instead of Trashing our President at every turn
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