I dated someone who was far from my “type”. He proposed to be 7 days after we started dating, got married 5 months later. Here we are about to celebrate our 9th anniversary. Gamer good at making extremely hot girls cum shirt My husband is everything and more. He went against his “type” with me as well. And we are more in love than ever.
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this reminds me of you and all the stuff you do for me. From watching my Teen Mom shows to dealing with my crabby whinny butt when I’m hungry. You have seen me at my best and at my worst (so far). You take me as I am and love me for myself. I can’t thank you enough for being the man of my dreams, my love, and my best friend literally brought tears to my eyes. This reminds me so much of us except I was the one to make the move I giggled here at the library Gamer good at making extremely hot girls cum shirt when I came upon the matching outfit just like our unplanned ones for the first date and also how you let me pick the movies and of course we watched a walk to remember This is cute and all. Most men don’t have the capacity to be sentimental or sensitive or this giving.
Met my sweetheart the same way. He’s gone a lot for his job but I noticed right away he makes Me laugh all the time. The best gift I’ve ever been given. Miss him so much when he’s gone. We are on loving sweet journey. They just aren’t built that way. If you find one that is, there may be other things that come with it like being moody, having depression or something else. There is no perfect man just as their is no perfect woman. Sorry to be Debbie Downer. Just speaking from experience and knowledge of human behavior. The better way to look at it is not to have any expectations, especially any as rare as this, and if he is 90% of what you’re looking for, you’ve got a keeper.
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