I think this character is about the only one who hasn’t disappointed me. Jon is still pretty good, Tormund could have had MORE screen time if you ask me, but this guy did what he said the whole time… Game of thrones talk to the hand tyrion lannister shirt go back to Kings Landing and kill his f*cking brother. Thank you Sandor. I’m sorry you had to die in what you feared the most
Game of thrones talk to the hand tyrion lannister shirt
There were definitely good parts. But the fear at the end was bad. The killing Missendei was bad, I mean yes she’s cruel, but she had to know that was going to push Dany over the edge and make her vindictive and out for her blood that much more, so if she was going to do that, then she needed to have a plan for ESCAPE! So no, the way she DIED definitely disappointed me. And that’s my point. Sandor was awesome. Game of thrones talk to the hand tyrion lannister shirt Start to finish. Cersei Seasons 7-8 not so great. And I forgot about Podrick, he hasn’t really disappointed me either. Brienne ALMOST had it, except for choosing Jaime instead of Tormund. That was a bonehead move, but I guess you have to follow your heart…
That’s the thing. The show could never decide if Cersei was brilliant or stupid, but vindictive enough it worked out. Her in episode 5 showed finally that it was stupid and vindictive, not brilliant. That’s why her killing Mill didn’t bother me. But yeah, her death was awful. yes, until this season maybe. Then I agree with most of the opinions I see here, and that is the writers rushed and blew it with absolutely destroying characters they took so long to build. Cersei would never have been so stupid as to not leave herself an out. Just expect her army to win? Ok.
Enjoy your day and go shopping now

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