all because when I first met her she was alrready in a relationship and she was always in and out of them so I didn’t want to tell her how I felt when she was going through that but Flower proud mother of a few dumbass kids shirt when I decided I am going to tell her, there she is with some other guy. Guys if you see this just tell them how you feel. Not telling her hurts so much
Flower proud mother of a few dumbass kids shirt
I think you might be generalising too much there. For a long long time I was one of those asking where all these types of guys are, when will I find one for me blah. My best friend is a guy and he is not my type, partially yes because his physical appearance does not appeal to me but I can appreciate that he is not terrible looking he is my best friend cos of personality and morals but still no wanting for/of each other there and I would not want it any other way. Flower proud mother of a few dumbass kids shirt My first serious relationship I didn’t go for because of physical appearance but the fact he kept trying to be “bad boy” was eventually so off putting the swings from bad boy to sensitive at the flick of a switch gaaah (there’s obviously more to why that did not work but effort old drama ya know)
I just like someone for who they are and hopefully who they still are once all their walls are down and you see what they are really like but some of the “bad boy thugs” are only that on the outside because that’s how they want to be seen but can be farrr from it in a relationship. Now the last one. No. I was still looking for the one who would treat me right but was no sleeping around and partying I had clubbing I get so bored it’s a waste of my money. I had a guy and yeah we were sleeping together but it was great it was cute films and pizza and lunch dates he’d drive me places if I was stuck and even bought me food to work a few times
when I was starving it came to forming feelings (of course) and thankfully mutually too but I went back to uni and a few months later he started posting pics of him doing the same with some other girl even though we were still talking every day. Turned out it was his way of subtly telling me his feelings were gone (surprised? No me neither) but he was one of the nice ones we were friends he wasn’t and isn’t a player and the like (maybe an asshole but w.e. ) I feel like you can’t tell people you’re not finding the one for these 3 reasons. There are many reasons and sometimes we just simply don’t know why we haven’t found the one to adore us yet. Maybe it’s the desperation who knows
Have a nice time in my shop

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