In the arid desert. Just shade and blankets as prisoner amenities. One meal per day. Plenty of drinking water. Massive cyclone fencing. Fantastic beasts niffler everyday I’m nifflin’ shirt So cheap to build and operate. Let’s fill it up with violent criminals. And then if we have to, build another one next door to it.
Fantastic beasts niffler everyday I’m nifflin’ shirt
I survived but it left me with deep mental scars but this should not have ever happened. Darryn Hintch look at this ladies case and then you tell us woman oh your court order will stop this from happening No it doesn’t stop them so get truly on board and stop grandstanding your in a position to help a voice in government to get more action with the big police on this case Fantastic beasts niffler everyday I’m nifflin’ shirt and all the others like hers arrest these law breakers and real jail time before some woman dies because of these men who do not care. Sorry girls but this makes me so bloody angry that since the family law bill came into action nothing really has changed to protect women from these ex husbands and boyfriends who use violence to get what the want. Exactly. Its the courts tgat need to wake up.
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The same offenders bought before them time and time again. Obviously what the courts are doing is no deterrent. Police do alot work to prosecute someone it more than cuffing them. He will need to serve 80% of the time. Because of it’s violent nature. But the 500 plus days of remand were taken into account and are part of the 15 years. Still, he could be released after 12 years and that is just wrong. I will totally vote for a party that commits to building a super prison in central Australia.
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