Cant anyone just view something adorable and not be so dam negative. If u cant say something nice about a really cute recording then just shut the hell up and move on you’re on facebook and think those choice of words is bad? Dog love is four legged word shirt You need to get thicker skin. She’s just saying can’t everyone be happy and enjoy a cute video? Clearly you prove her point, just relax and enjoy or keep scrolling, less judging.
Dog love is four legged word shirt
But what so cute about an adult dog rejecting a pup due to jealousy? The video was posted because those who were responsible for posting it wanted feedback. Okay everybody that sees this is not going to comment to your liking. So u need to get over YOURSELF. And the dog is mean as shyt treating that puppy like that! He knows for a fact he is not allowed with the pups until mama dog gives him permission ( allows) (days from way back when males were never allowed near new born pups.. Dog love is four legged word shirt way way back when) IMO what he is doing is avoiding being put in the dog house from mama dog ….. But truth is.. I have no idea if he is daddy
I don’t know who you saying those cruel word’s to, cause you sure ain’t talking to me, and those wasn’t no negative word’s i comment no way, so you shut your mouth up because it wasn’t cute or adorable. The dog was clearly uncomfortable with the situation and people need to learn to understand and respect the signals animals give off. Like someone else mentioned, if the dog had snapped at the pup or owner, then s/he would have been punished. This is NOT how you introduce a new pet into the family. Always a person to complain, omgoodness, you don’t know animals,Haha! Yep! I’ll agree to that! In my opinion, yes “my opinion”, the owners of this dog are being irresponsible, and also, rude!!!
Know this. When someone tries to educate another on why something is in fact potentially dangerous they’re not trying to ruin your fun. They’re trying to save other people the heartache of finding out the hard way. Anytime a dog behaves in this manner towards another animal just stop what you’re doing. Doesn’t matter how cute it is to everyone looking on, the adult dog doesn’t see it that way.
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