Some men and women never happy what do for them they just selfish i not killing my self for no man Disney pixar toy story 4 sheriff woody hey howdy hey shirt I had learned hard way at end day you just please yourself no one give a fuck just my children and me and God
Disney pixar toy story 4 sheriff woody hey howdy hey shirt
I know it’s harsh but love YOU first. Nobody can do that better than you. I’m older now so I don’t understand the need to be validated by a man’s existence. Especially if you have kids. I watched so many women in my life put men on unnecessary pedestals. I don’t have sympathy anymore. I can’t do it. Disney pixar toy story 4 sheriff woody hey howdy hey shirt Too much volunteering to waste time enabling trifling behavior isn’t something I can feel sorry for someone about. Willfully dealing with bullshit just to say you gotta man isn’t something to feel sorry for someone about either
This was really a opener women u are not irreplaceable so don’t ever think u are but sometimes we need to show a man that he is not irreplaceable either even if it takes moving on Sorry for her pain. Love yourself 1st, and your child, and remember, sex or satisfying someone else’s needs doesn’t make them stop what they are doing or going to do. Build up your self-esteem, and move on with life. This was me also and she was my best friend ,she had a baby for my husband and I didn’t even know she was pregnant. My sister took me to her house to see the baby . It hurt so bad but I forgave her but I will never forget. That’s why I keep my circle extremely close no women except my sisters are included
Have a nice time in my store

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