I am in my mid-40’s today and I still have the memories, but they aren’t painful ones. Dinosaurs eat man woman inherits the earth flower shirt They are actually helpful now, as I use them to volunteer at youth shelters for abuse and sexual assault victims.
Dinosaurs eat man woman inherits the earth flower shirt
I would like to suggest if I could, to those of you who can still talk to the person who has done you wrong; it does great wonders for your mind body and soul to actually tell the person “I forgive you for blah, blah, blah. I know you don’t forgive yourself yet and therefore you haven’t been able to apologize to me yet; but I wanted you to know that I have found peace with the pain you caused me and I forgive you. Dinosaurs eat man woman inherits the earth flower shirt Please don’t think this means I will forget, because you are a lesson I will never forget, but you are also a pain I no longer endure either.”
I grew up with a childhood for the horror movies, when I was in my mid-20’s I said these words to my mother as I turned and walked away. 9 years later when I ran into her again she told me that day, and those words shattered her in a way she had never felt. I told her I was glad to see she finally felt how I was forced to feel my entire childhood thanks to her. Forgiving someone for their behavior is something you do for yourself. To release the bad mojo from following you and cleansing your mind of the negativity which is a prison-like place if you hold on to it. Trust God and believe.
As a Christian, I am supposed to forgive those who have wronged me. He never says to forget what they have done though. I know for me, by forgiving someone, really and truly forgiving them, I’m commiting to remembering that they are human and make mistakes. Sometimes humans make really big mistakes, and the more I focus on this, the less important being mad is to me. It’s easier to forgive them, because I’m in the same boat. I’m just as human as them. I would want someone to forgive my mistakes too. I still remember what they did, but it’s less important.
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