because I have no tickets and no accidents!!!! Car audi logo full over print shirt Duh!!! You challenged the wrong person!!! I’m a drive instructor and school bus driver!!! Your parents didn’t teach you right!!! Can’t fix stupid!!!!! Honey that money goes for me
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as to whether that should be illegal. But it has nothing to do with mandating coverage and pricing, which what government has done. I love when his supporters talk about him taking down the elite and the rich in this country. Do they not realize he is part of the rich and elite. he’s the poorest Senator and only became Car audi logo full over print shirt a millionaire from writing a book…he also wants a true progressive tax rate like the 50s and wants tax dollars to not be wasted
on forever wars. Also he takes no corporate or elite money. Toni Crocetti Kellam He has a government-run health care plan…that he wants to bring to everyone. Nobody is trying to take away anybody’s healthcare. If you have a health issue, call a doctor’s office and make an appointment. The real issue here is if you’re expecting someone else to pay for it. no it pays for my driving! I get good driving discounts