that would be plausible if Steve did go and stayed on a parallel reality, but the writers stressed out Captain america roses are red hawkeye has a bow I can do this all day I know shirt that they believed that Steve went back to the same reality that he had left, as transcribed in the Q&A interview on the Hollywood Reporter… thus the confusion.
Captain america roses are red hawkeye has a bow I can do this all day I know shirt
changing the past doesn’t change the timeline, it creates a separate timeline with a different future. Professor Hulk explains it in the movie. Steve going back and living as Peggy Carter’s husband created an alternate timeline. That doesn’t mean in the main timeline Steve kissed his niece; in the main timeline Peggy had a husband, but it wasn’t Steve cause that hadn’t happened yet. There is now a separate pocket dimension in which there were two Steve’s living, the one from the main timeline that went back to be Peggy’s husband, Captain america roses are red hawkeye has a bow I can do this all day I know shirt and the Steve of that demention playing out his role, and events will playout differently because that would now be a timeline with a different future. That also means there is another timeline where Loki escapes after New York, and another where the snap never happens because that timeline’s Thanos left and then was killed in the main timeline’s present. It isn’t that hard to understand if you think about it.
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Cap doesn’t move fast. That kiss that was shown was so obviously their first kiss. And after it happened, they parted ways. They may have gotten to know each other, but not sexually. The way they explained it is nothing they did changed the future just made another time line so technically he shouldn’t of been able to meet up with falcon it would of created another branch of the universe different to they’re by a little or alot It’s also a movie loophole what happened to him because in theory now she doesn’t exist , since Peggy no longer had a child with another dude Technically, it goes the other way, she kissed her great uncle. I mean, considering how inspired she was by Peggy, how could she not who Peggy’s husband was or looked like?

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