as law students and prospective lawyers we may have less divorces between SS couples because people will potentially marry the person they truly love – Camping forever housework whenever shirt and not marry merely because “that’s what mean and women were supposed to do”
Camping forever housework whenever shirt
actually I loved what Robert just said, it’s the first real decent polite argument that has been raised and open for discussion that isn’t about religion or history or coming from hatred he is trying to understand what all the marriage equality fuss is about. It’s a new topic for Robert who’s not interested in same sex to marry and therefore it’s not been part of his life personally. We should be considerate enough to explain what equality means to us so there is understanding. Camping forever housework whenever shirt Well done I applaud you Robert. its not an extra right. Its a basic right to do what you want as it HARMS no one and literally only affects you. I wonder if youd think it was an extra right if the roles were reversed and you could only marry a same sex person, so someone who was lgbt told you oh sorry mate, i know you love that woman but i couldnt marry her either so… were equal. What a shite comparison!
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It’s about the right to marry the person you love. Regardless of gender. A gay man and a straight man both have the same opportunity to marry a woman, is like saying a carnivorous animal and a herbivore both have the same opportunity to eat meat, but no plants….. – it’s a biased opportunity in favour of one party only. love your weighing up of competing rights and concluding mine should be suppressed with that delightful judgmental remark about my religious beliefs you know nothing about.
Who said anything about a church? You do understand that there are quite a few different religions that subscribe to the traditional definition of marriage and some have different views on SS unions. Which one do you think I belong to and what exactly do you believe their position to be on the matter? You assume an awful lot. Your bullying/reverse bigoted approach is precisely why Australians who were on the fence on this issue are turning away from a yes vote. Your views, disrespect for others right to another belief and plain ugliness do your cause a great disservice

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