Try watching cops manhandle and draw guns on your loved one because they thought the car was stolen!! Buzz lightyear stormtrooper star wars shirt A man with no criminal record that crossed a yellow line while making a left hand turn got thrown up against a car! They don’t treat the poor and POC the same as they do in wealthier/white neighborhood and that’s a fact!!
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And you all ignore the bad ones for the good ones who also ignore the bad ones. Stop deflecting and saying oh well there’s good ones while not even acknowledging the bad ones questions for you. Out of this video is that all you took away from it? Do you understand what DL was talking about? Why do you think this issue(it is NOT crap) is getting old? Buzz lightyear stormtrooper star wars shirt exactly and perfectly said. People never no what it feels like until it is happening to them, so they can make comments like that. No one ever said there were no good cops. He’s talking about the treatment that for some reason everyone who is not affected doesn’t see.
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Until someone you love experiences that treatment then you will understand. I’m tired of all the closed minds how about that. I thought he already made his point on why he didn’t have to say that they are good officers out there we know that they are we don’t have to say it he’s putting the spotlight on the officers who aren’t doing their jobs This is a prime example of hearing what you wanted to hear out of his statement. Have you ever lived in a predominitely Black/POC neighborhood to know what kind of cops patrol the area?? No…then your point is invalid!
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