I have to disagree with you….not all “travelers” are like that……..you need to educate yourself on minimilistic ( sorry if not spelled correctly!) living……I doubt they guzzle as much fossil fuel as you do, Best dad in the seven kingdoms game of thrones shirt they do much more recycling than you for sure and don’t buy unnecessary items ….most of what is obtained is for a specific reason or purpose.
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I think it’s great the young people are doing exactly what we hippies did in the 60’s. They think they have invented this type of life but the reality is their grandparents did it long before them. But you will notice granny and granddaddy weren’t living in a van when you were born because that type of life is exceedingly tough and as they made more money invested it in a house. These kids will too when babies start showing up. I’m a single, now 40 year old, professional. I have a higher than average income, and many in my position would be buying More, a larger home, more Things, etc. Best dad in the seven kingdoms game of thrones shirt I’m doing the opposite. I now live in a Van, and it’s been a very deliberate and conscious decision. Here’s why: ( and this is a super simplified summary) Long Term Goals as well as Environmental consciousness, and the desire for less STUFF. To put it simply, I’ve spent well over $300,000 on rent in the last 24 years, often on bigger places which used a Lot of energy resources and were filled with too much STUFF.
I will never get that money back. I feel I have missed the boat to buy a rural property where I can garden and live simply, UNLESS, I cut as many expenses as I can and make some sacrifices, then save save save. So, no more rent. Less stuff. It now costs me less than $100 per month for some propane and electric heat. I put money into savings. I shower at the gym, or at friends. And yes… I shower everyday. Living the van life does not mean being unclean. As for a toilet, I have a portable if really desperate, but there are lots of washrooms around. My Van has a full kitchen and 4 feet of clear counterspace. It’s a 1973 dodge tradesman. I park it at various friends places, or rural spots. I have a full time job in one location, so just to also point out that not all van dwellers are transient.. although many awesome people are, and why not?
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