Marine corps has nothing to do with this topic, the abuse and murder of a race is the topic. Beer because no great camping story started with a salad shirt How did you come up with Marines? the same way the person she voted for don’t know anything about American history. She don’t know what she is talking about.
Beer because no great camping story started with a salad shirt
I called my creditors today and asked them to forgive my debt because of my white privilege. They laughed at me and said no. The color that has privilege is green. The more you have the more privilege you get. Exactly white people only hear the part he talks about police but neglect to hear about an unarmed black person getting gun down for assumptions of being a criminal. Beer because no great camping story started with a salad shirt What that got to do with the point he’s making? America needs an enema. A total cleaning, it should be broken down and rebuilt. That worthless Constitution the amendments and the laws that govern us needs to be redone.
Have a good time in my store

Maybe this time with every race consider as an equal. When a house is badly damaged you can’t make minor repairs, it gotta be thrown down and rebuilt properly. Shamefully white America don’t wanna give up there strong hold. First you gotta admit there a problem confess to the part you played in making the problem than you start making repairs. The problem here is that you are refusing to empathize because you will be in jeopardy of your white privileged life along with your imagination of what is reality.

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