I was with a man who treated me poorly for 34 years. I am now with the most amazing man who treats me just like the man in the article. I’m very lucky!! Because normani is that bitch shirt Hang in there and keep a positive outlook. I’ve been with mine 25 years so far and i can’t say my relationship has ever even came close. He’s had moments of sweetness, but over the years, even those have faded
Because normani is that bitch shirt
Thing is you’ve got to do this for your man top he has to be your king you have to be his rock you have to give him 100% above all others put him on his pedestal I doubt anyone looking to be made happy does this if you do Youl find this in your man Love is out their you will find it when it’s meant to be. You can’t rush things and it will find you. Lupe we are all tempted but one mistake doesn’t mean it’s over its the obstacles that are put there to test our strengths, Because normani is that bitch shirt although it’s hard to gain that trust back, you will get back to where you were before. You obviously have a very strong bond with your husband. And fatima love will find you when you least expect it have faith hun. As it has always been said there is someone for everyone.
Welcome to these awesome designs

I honestly agree and I do love myself and I know my worth and my heart always talks to me And the God is first in our lives but I understand what you say and I believe if each person gives 100 then your lives will be what you make it. Prayers for you And I am sorry for your pain. I pray God restores all you lost and no you need to love yourself FIRST because if you don’t then you’ll think being a “doormat” is ok because that’s probably how you feel about yourself. Don’t comment negative shit on her comment. I am not bitter, crazy or angry. I am completely aware that cherishing myself is important first. This comment wasn’t for anyone but myself. Somehow it sparked something in a lot of people. Be happy with yourself and who you are…..Honesty, kindness and humility go a long long way. Many blessings to all….

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