I like that it was cased in an explanation of ‘being respectful’. I teach my kids to have some degree of good manners for those around them and not everyone appreciates french kissing Bae best auntie ever shirt (for example) from a couple sat in front of them at the movies – regardless of whether or not they have a disability.
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Yeah, at first that comment made me a little angry, but after thinking on it, I can see where she is coming from. As Melissa’s mom, she’s just trying to teach her to respect other people and their feelings when out in public, which is the same lesson many parents try to instill in their children. I didn’t like how the lady at the end questioned whether they were actually feeling or understanding love. no y’all don’t get it(and that’s okay!!) Bae best auntie ever shirt i have worked with people who have special needs and the pda concern is very very real. i once saw a 14 and 15 year old try to make out underwater in the middle of swim team practice. another time at a meet, she tried to give a lap dance to another boy. i’ve had so many of my swimmers try to kiss me it’s ridiculous. many people with special needs have trouble reading social cues, and therefore tend to express love in “inappropriate” ways! i guess what i’m trying to say is that in my opinion as someone who has seen it many many times, the comment the mother made about pda is completely founded in reality and a legitimate concern.
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I worked at a camp with special needs and developmental disability adults. PDA IS a concern because they are ADULTS with ADULT urges that may not realize when that’s not appropriate. My guess is that line got cut for this interview when they were basically saying …..don’t do it in public. I think too the parents are worried for the couples’ safety more than anything else, meaning they may be physically at risk of hate crimes or violence. I’d be protective too. you are a beautiful soul. Annie Waters, you are too. Blessings on you both. Personally I envy the freedom of these two sweethearts who are not weighed down by social “norms” and pretensions. I wish them everything they wish for themselves in triplicate!

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