He was there when I was at my worst he was patient and got me out of an ugly place. Baby yoda johnnie walker tumbler He sees the best in me now. For this reason I will tell him I love him always. and then proceeds to be a cynic. love isn’t something that can only be obtained through “fixing it”.
Baby yoda johnnie walker tumbler
No offense,but Americans don’t stayed loyal to each others! they don’t existed….well,maybe I over exaggerated a lil but,I met over 85% Americans either divorced or is there some what 3rd marriage! …actually,yes there’s very few stay loyal to each other! I tell my partner Baby yoda johnnie walker tumbler I love him everyday, we may have not been together for along time but i can say with my heart I love you. He is my saviour..
I am a type of person that use to give up because it was easy, I use to throw anything away if times get hard, I use to doubt myself of my beauty, I was scared to tell someone I love them because I didn’t love myself. I thought I’d be bettering myself if i was alone. But this man that came into my life picked up the missing pieces and saw things in me that I would never see in myself. He gives me care, support.