I live in a country filled with careless idiots and all I could dream of is having my own island where I can start my own life on and only let people with a heart onto. Auntie shark tattoos tattoos shirt But, life’s not perfect and it’ll never be. I’ll waste my one and only life destroying myself every day in order to make a living here. No point in bitching I suppose
Auntie shark tattoos tattoos shirt
Also to all the people saying “if you dont like it just leave” , like idiots lol, its not easy to just leave the country youre from and go to another. Not impossible but not easy either. I get what you’re saying but you have to understand with the massive Army of the United States the countries of Europe didn’t have to pour as much money into their defense as they once did so they had the extra Revenue to put in the social programs Auntie shark tattoos tattoos shirt because they didn’t have to secure their own borders the United States was in Europe pretty heavy after World War II and still is now. Not saying European militaries aren’t on par just giving you a different perspective If I had the money to move out of the country, you bet I would.
I absolutely love this land, it’s so beautiful. BUT, the people living on this land aren’t worth it. People trash our roads and woods. People are cutting down our woods, our neighborhood used to be nothing but beautiful white, purple, pink, bright green and even yellow trees until it was all cleared and houses were set on them… can’t see all the beautiful stars because of all the lights from town. Then you get into the government subject and it gets worse, we are owned by the government and use the term “free” very very loosely. Police are killing innocent people, raping children, breaking the law themselves and even getting away with it. There’s at least 50 pounds of different drugs every square mile in this country. Drug Zombies walk on the sides of the roads talking to themselves. Rich get richer, poor get poorer..
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