I was watching tell the end all all I picked up in it was selfishness nothing else . She is lost & don’t appreciate how bless she is with a person who truly love her April asshole not one to mess with your light out shirt I was thinking the same thing. I’ve been married 27 years with special needs twins. I can’t imagine what you’re going through alone. My heart goes out to you.
April asshole not one to mess with your light out shirt
I completely agree! Sounds very selfish. She got married for the wrong reasons and then didn’t seek couples counseling or get some help for herself personally. She left a husband I’m sure heartbroken because she “felt unhappy”? This is what’s wrong with the world today. People aren’t willing to work at making their choices in life work! you clearly are missing the point! April asshole not one to mess with your light out shirt She didn’t leave her husband for someone else, she wasn’t happy within because she was trapped in a life she thought she had to enjoy but didn’t.
So to find her happy she had to leave and I’m sure her husband will probably be happier himself now knowing whomever he’s with wants to be with him. Your situation is sad, tough to say the least and I hope soon you will find the positive in your situation and not allow the actions of your ex to deplete the energy you so need to invest in your son! I don’t believe anyone should stay if they are not happy. It took me a long time to work that out. No from my actions but others.
But I’m not missing the point. She made a commitment, “marriage” and it was great, so how can I feel for her because she was unhappy? Someone on the thread said she’s gay, understandable, but someone else just posted a pic of her and another man who is her “soulmate”. Smh. I can’t and won’t understand selfish behavior. And I can’t condone that behavior either. If her husband was a tyrant, I could understand, but to leave for who knows why at this point, no I can’t. I understand quite well actually. All I said was I couldn’t connect to her and I still can’t. I totally agree. Marriage is not meant to be built on our individual happiness. This is really is the most selfish and spoiled thing I have ever heard, this is by no means any kind of great revelation.
Have a nice time with new designs

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