Your metabolic rate skyrockets and having a great endurance will help keep you going . It’s like boxing bud . 4th of july united states army inside american flag shirt I don’t see you complaining that the new Army CFT isn’t performed in full utilities, flak and kevlar, with sappi’s inserted
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When you design a fitness test you want the modalities to be something easily trainable and familiar. Most Americans have played basketball and have therefore done some type of forward linear throw. Strongman competitors train skill, technical proficiency as an auxiliary to explosive power. Just because you are a combat vet, 4th of july united states army inside american flag shirt it doesn’t mean you the moral authority in physical fitness for soldier. So many of us also are combat vets. With that being said. This exercise requires great coordination and explosiveness. You have to be able to throw the ball at a certain speed to get it far enough to pass.
If you have a human, you don’t need to throw shit. Just help lift. They are measuring the medicine ball force and making sure you can generate the same force to lift someone up so Iraq 2004 when I was deployed I ran with my Squad to a fight position so we wouldn’t be heard by are transport vehicles to engage the enemy. Mind you I was wearing my combat load M240B machine gun with a shit ton of ammo. So yes you do in certain cases. yeah bud but when your huffing and puffing because your adrenaline is eating up all your air and energy your gonna want that endurance.
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