it worked didn’t it!?? Did you see any violence?? or did it deter her from running her mouth further?! Pretty sure it worked 100% as intended or 26 years of the nightmare before christmas 1993-2019 shirt maybe you prefer hordes liberals beating conservatives just for wearing maga hats threat of lethal force is never an appropriate response to the threat of less than lethal force.
26 years of the nightmare before christmas 1993-2019 shirt
She’s dumb for trying to get physical because her feelings were hurt but the response was inappropriate when Kait was the one who started it. Don’t talk shit if you’re scared to get hit, simple as that sorry most of you can’t apply critical thinking just because “she’s on my side” Hey assholes ya gotta fucking work to get a tax break not standing on the street being a fool. 26 years of the nightmare before christmas 1993-2019 shirt President Trump don’t come to your work and slap the French fries out your hands so don’t fuck with him when he is trying to make America great again if you look above that girl shoved Kait and her cameraman prior to her comment. Sorry they didn’t show that because then maybe people would have understood Kait’s anger. I probably would have said worse had she shoved me
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and my friend. SHE escalated the situation. However, unless you’d read previous comments I know you wouldn’t have known that so what you said was justified. Knowing what I do now, it was hilarious!!! What that girl on the mic didn’t show is the 2 minute convo I had with her about civility, conversation, respect, and love regardless of religion, race, orientation, or political stance…I thanked her for speaking to folks & asked her to seek connection instead of fights. But I guess that didn’t fit her narrative.

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