If you are a gamer who regularly uses Corki, then you are probably too familiar with the way to critical equipment for this champion, typically the Death Crossbow, Soul Scythe…But when Money The 2022 Season is updated, the high-level players at the Chinese Superserver have abandoned this old style of play in favor of a more powerful one.
League of Legends Why is the gameplay of Corki Echo Luden so hot on China’s Super server
Accordingly, these players will aim for equipment that provides SMCK, farm ability and especially towards the combo equipment Luden Echo and Void Staff . In today’s article, let’s find out with Lag.vn about this extremely strong play of the players in China.
The first thing we need to talk about is the weakness of the crit item group when after a series of tweaks, the champion is only really strong if he has at least 3 crit items on him, of which including Infinity Sword. The reason is that when 60% crit is reached, the player can own 35% more crit damage from Infinity Sword.
Not to mention these equipment cannot support the farming speed of Corki players, and the cost of critical equipment is extremely expensive. This will make Corki more susceptible to falling into a state of loss in equipment and power thresholds compared to other mid laners, becoming the main reason why gamers are prone to losing results early on.
Also for this reason, players in China started using good farm support items like Manamune Sword, Snake Ax in the early game to speed up their farming. After having a stable economic source, aim for AP items like Luden Echo and Void Staff. With this equipment build, Corki can own a huge amount of damage thanks to his ultimate.
Another reason why this playstyle is so powerful is that it can make the most of the very popular Preemptive Blow rune at the moment. Thanks to the ultimate ability Targeting Missile, Corki can simply activate this rune from a distance, keeping a safe distance as well as dealing a huge amount of damage.
This 10% bonus damage from this gem seems small, but it can help Corki one-shot the opponent if he possesses all the necessary equipment. Gems that players can use with Preemptive Strike will include Miracle Legs, Biscuit Delivery, or Cosmic Insight. In case you have a difficult match and need to push the minion early, the Minion Cleaner will help you farm better.
However, when applying this playstyle, Corki players should not be too passive, especially when owning a package, with the combo of equipment Manamune Sword and Sorcerer’s Shoe, Corki’s output damage is already very large. This means that it is better for players to focus on finding opportunities to switch to 2 lanes to get kills or help teammates eat big goals.
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